Hey there! My name is



A photo of Arian

About Me

A photo of Arian

Hey there! I'm Arian, a third-year Computer Science student at the University of Toronto. I possess a strong interest in technology, driven by my innate passion for creation and problem-solving. Through hands-on projects and rigorous study, I've built strong foundations and continually commit myself to growth by honing my skills and exploring the ever-expanding realm of technology.

Having completed multiple internships in various business domains, I've become business-aware, responsible, adaptive, and a quick learner in new environments. No matter the role, I love bringing value to my team and delivering impressive results.

In my recent role as a Utilities Software Developer at BGIS, I developed a full-stack web application and wrote numerous scripts to process large quantities of data and automate tasks, enabling members across the team and organization to be more productive with their limited time.

If you're looking for a great new addition to your team, then look no further. I'm seeking exciting Software Development internship opportunities for Summer 2024! Explore my projects, experiences, skills, resume, and feel free to reach out—I'd love to connect!


Click on the names to see more!

An image of the project

Multi-threaded Load Balancer

Created a multi-threaded dynamic load balancer, optimizing resource utilization and distributing client connections among servers. Implemented robust event handling and synchronization mechanisms for efficient thread collaboration and enhanced traffic distribution.
An image of the project

Road AI

Developed an application as a group, utilizing computer vision AI to detect vehicle collisions through video feed. Also created a website to showcase the project and allow users to input video clips to see the collision detection at work.
An image of the project

Personal Website

Created a personal website to showcase my projects, experience, and skills, and to also exercise my web development skills using CSS, JavaScript, React, NextJS, etc.
An image of the project


Explored the NextJS framework, MongoDB, and Auth0 to create a React based web app for task and schedule management, facilitating user authentication, CRUD database operations, etc.
An image of the project

Company Management System

Utilized Git, agile methodologies, and UML in a group of 4 to create a GUI-based Java application that implements multiple design patterns and adheres to SOLID object-oriented design principles.
An image of the project

Rocket Project

Explored reinforcement learning and adopted an actor-critic model to train an AI to control, fly, and land rockets in a 2D simulation program, using Unity and the ML-Agents framework.
An image of the project

One Dash

Leveraged Unity to create a game for the DeerHacks 2022 hackathon as a sole developer, and ranked first among projects created by teams of 1 and 2 developers.
An image of the project

Huffman Compression

Implemented the Huffman Coding algorithm, enabling lossless data compression of various file formats by as much as 70%. Wrote various unit tests to ensure the correctness of the algorithm.


An image for the experience.
A member of your team😄

Summer 2024??!

Looking for a dedicated person with a proven record and a strong passion for technology to join your team?! Well... look no further, you're at the right place. Get in touch!

An image for the experience.
Calculus Teaching Assistant

January 2023 - Present

Responsible for holding weekly tutorials teaching Mathematics to about 70 students, hosting office hours, marking course materials, assisting during lectures, invigilating, etc.

An image for the experience.
Utilities Software Developer

May 2023 - September 2023

Responsible for developing applications and scripts to empower members across various departments, process and format large quantities of data, automate manual tasks, and help others be more productive with their limited time.

An image for the experience.
Quality Analyst

May 2022 - August 2022

Responsible for auditing, managing, and improving the data within various systems, the transaction of data between different systems and departments, improving the quality and speed of processes, etc.

An image for the experience.
Financial Shared Services Rep.

June 2021 - August 2021

Responsible for working with various stakeholders and systems to review, investigate, and accurately process hundreds of transactions and invoices on a daily basis.


Here are some of my skills and the technologies I have experience with


An image corresponding to the skill.C
An image corresponding to the skill.Python
An image corresponding to the skill.Java
An image corresponding to the skill.JavaScript
An image corresponding to the skill.HTML
An image corresponding to the skill.CSS
An image corresponding to the skill.SQL
Assembly (RISC-V)
An image corresponding to the skill.C#

Tehnologies / Frameworks:

An image corresponding to the skill.React
An image corresponding to the skill.NextJS
An image corresponding to the skill.MongoDB
An image corresponding to the skill.Unity
An image corresponding to the skill.JavaFX


An image corresponding to the skill.Git
An image corresponding to the skill.MySQL
An image corresponding to the skill.Figma
An image corresponding to the skill.MS Office (Excel, Word, etc.)
Google Apps (Docs, Sheets, etc.)


Organization & Prioritization
Time Management